
महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना



नेपाल संवत: ११४५ चिल्लागा चतुर्दशी - २९

ईएमएस सेवाहरू

Express Mail Service is the generic name for High Speed, Low Premium and Time Bound Guaranteed Delivery Service. It is an effort to gain faith of the customers by assuring delivery of mail items in reliable and faster manner at affordable cost. EMS is an international postal express service for both documents and merchandise, which aims to provide customers with a high quality competitive express mail product on a global basis. In most countries EMS is the only practical mean of providing universal access to international express services for the private customer. EMS is offered in more than 191 countries worldwide as an integral element of the postal offer effectively complementing the traditional range of letter-post and parcel-post services. The international EMS service is regulated by the EMS Cooperative, established by the UPU's Postal Operations Council in 1998. Membership of the EMS Cooperative is on a voluntary basis, and more than 156 EMS operators are currently members of the cooperative. Nepal is not the member of EMS Cooperative as yet, But, it is in the process to get the membership. Up to now EMS is operating with 38 countries abroad and 62 locations within county.

Service Features:

Domestic EMS

Express Mail Service offers timely delivery of urgent document and merchandise items. EMS is the generic name for High Speed, Low Premium and Time Bound Guaranteed Delivery Service. Domestic EMS service was started in 1991 from 7 municipalities and the locations have reached 62 in 2010. Six District Post Offices directly manage EMS between them and via other locations and other are linked via these districts and GPO. Costumer can book their items at any of the districts that offer this service in the office hour.

Maximum weight of the document or EMS items is limited 20 kg per item. Items up to 10 kg could be delivered through air mail. The postage rate for domestic EMS is same as registered mail for the first 50 gram documents. This rate is same for Same Day Delivery Service and for air mail also. Details of inland EMS rate are as follows:

International EMS

International EMS was introduced in 1995. By the year 2010, Nepal is linked with 38 countries of the world. The International EMS items received in Nepal are delivered through its 62 locations. To extend International EMS with more countries, Nepal Post is preparing agreement with international private couriers and other member country of UPU. Customer can book the international EMS in 15 different locations. These locations are listed below.

  1. General Post Office and 4 other counters in Kathmandu
  2. District Post Office, Lalitpur.
  3. Western Regional Postal Directorate, Pokhara.
  4. Eastern Regional Postal Directorate, Biratnagar.
  5. District Post Office, Jhapa.
  6. District Post Office, Sunsari, Dharan.
  7. District Post Office, Saptari.
  8. District Post Office, Chitwan,Bharatpur.
  9. District Post Office, Rupandehi,Sidharthanagar.
  10. District Post Office, Nepalgunj.
  11. Area Post Office, Itahari, Sunsari.

The weight limit of international EMS is fixed up maximum 20 kg per packet. Minimum weight fair covers 200 grams for India and 500 grams for all other countries. The minimum postage rate is for India, NRs 300.00 and Maximum is for Norway, NRs 2000.00. The 38 International EMS destination and EMS rate is presented below. For Merchandise Items additional NRs. 50.00 up to 2 Kg and additional NRs. 150 is charged for more than 2 Kg.


Weight Limit: up to 20 Kgs.

From Jan 1, 2021 (Rs.) From Jan 1, 2021 (Rs.)
1 AUSTRALIA 1800.00 500.00
2 BANGLADESH 1200.00 300.00
3 BHUTAN 1000.00 350.00
4 BRUNEI 1100.00 300.00
5 CANADA 1800.00 500.00
6 CHINA 1400.00 400.00
7 DENMARK 1600.00 400.00
8 EGYPT 1300.00 350.00
9 FIJI 1400.00 400.00
10 GERMANY 1800.00 500.00
11 HONG KONG 1200.00 350.00
12 INDIA 800.00 250.00
13 INDONESIA 1200.00 350.00
14 IRELAND 1500.00 400.00
15 ISRAEL 1700.00 400.00
16 ITALY 1600.00 400.00
17 JAPAN 1400.00 400.00
18 KUWAIT 1400.00 300.00
19 MALAYSIA 1200.00 300.00
20 MALDIVES 1000.00 300.00
21 MYANMAR 1200.00 300.00
22 NETHERLANDS 1800.00 400.00
23 NEW ZEALAND 1800.00 500.00
24 NORWAY 2000.00 500.00
25 PAKISTAN 1200.00 300.00
26 PHILIPPINES 1400.00 400.00
27 QATAR 1200.00 300.00
28 SINGAPORE 1500.00 350.00
29 SOUTH KOREA 1400.00 400.00
30 SPAIN 1600.00 500.00
31 SRILANKA 1100.00 300.00
32 SWITZERLAND 1800.00 500.00
33 THAILAND 1200.00 300.00
34 TURKEY 1400.00 400.00
35 UAE 1500.00 350.00
36 UK 1800.00 500.00
37 USA 1800.00 500.00
38 YEMEN 1300.00 400.00

NOTE:For Merchandise,Sample and Gift Items:
Add Rs.100.00 up to 2 Kgs. & Rs.200.00 for more than 2 Kgs per packet.